- 精密气压表和高度计传感器--HP209
- 型号:HP209
- The HP209 employs a MEMS pressure sensor with an I²C interface to provide accurate temperature, pressure or altitude data. The sensor pressure and temperature outputs are digitized by a high resolution 24-bit ADC. The altitude value is calculated by a specific patented algorithm according to the pressure and temperature data. Data compensation is integrated internally to save the effort of the external host MCU system. Easy command-based data acquisition interface and programmable interrupt control is available. Typical active supply current is 5.3μA per measurement-second while the ADC output is filtered and decimated by 256. Pressure output can be resolved with output in fractions of 0.1 Pascal.
一 概述
The HP209 employs a MEMS pressure sensor with an I²C interface to provide accurate temperature, pressure or altitude data. The sensor pressure and temperature outputs are digitized by a high resolution 24-bit ADC. The altitude value is calculated by a specific patented algorithm according to the pressure and temperature data. Data compensation is integrated internally to save the effort of the external host MCU system. Easy command-based data acquisition interface and programmable interrupt control is available. Typical active supply current is 5.3μA per measurement-second while the ADC output is filtered and decimated by 256. Pressure output can be resolved with output in fractions of 0.1 Pascal.
二 特性
Supply voltage:1.8V to 3.6V
Pressure Ranges from 0 to 2…..200Kpa
Fully data compensated
Direct Reading, compensated:
--Pressure:20-bit measurement
--Temperature:20-bit measurement
Standby current<0.1μA
Operation temperature:-40 to +85℃
High-speed I²C digital output interface
三 应用
Panel Meter
Industrial Pressure and Temperature Sensor System
Automotive Systems
Medical Gas Control System
Fire Suppression System
Blocked Filter Detection
Heating, Ventilation,Air Conditioning
White Goods
Tank Level Measurement